Our products

The PSG SIPP portfolio

In developing our products, we've put flexibility at the front of our minds. It's better to understand clients' circumstances and objectives first, before putting forward the right plans that will help them to achieve them.


Ultimate flexibility

Our Open SIPP stands out from the crowd, put together using our trade’s top drawer tools and looked after by some of the brightest brains in the business.

Keyring SIPP

Your key to a
comfortable retirement

A SIPP for UK individuals that offers the freedom to combine an uncommonly wide range of investments to unlock your fund’s full potential.

Unity SIPP

For clients advised and introduced by a deVere adviser

If you’re living outside the UK but like the sound of growing your pension pot in a regulated UK-based structure, this product may be worth considering.

Myth Buster

Advice and guidance are distinct services offering clients different benefits

Bust that myth…

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