My 10 years at PSG SIPP

by Natalie Pike, COO of PSG SIPP

I recently reached a significant milestone. A milestone that seems too ridiculous to credit, more than a little like the feeling a parent has when their child turns ten. Yes, a whopping ten years since I joined PSG SIPP (PSGS).

The company has changed enormously over this time, almost entirely beyond recognition in fact. There were just six of us when I started, now we have nearly sixty employees. That would have seemed almost scary ten years ago!

Starting at a small company, for me at least, was a nerve-racking experience. A huge change from working within the highly corporate environment that I was used to, where the path for progression was already mapped out. In contrast, PSGS has always adapted to fit with the needs of its employees, and in return, its employees are challenged and pushed forward in their career.

I never set out to be COO, it just became a natural fit for me and the company. Right time, right place. As we continue to grow, the question for us now is, how do we ensure our ethos and culture, which remain precious to us, are not eroded by our growth? The fact that we even ask ourselves this question, gets us part of the way, but really, the hardest bit is finding the time to conceive the creative solutions to this problem. However, as scant as time is, we are investing appropriate amounts of it into our Managers and Team Leaders. By spending as much time as we can with them, we should succeed, not just in ensuring they take the culture that we are proud of, forward to their teams, but that they help to contribute to it so that it remains fit for purpose and becomes something they too have an investment in.

I am not going to lie, nor present everything as some work-based utopia. The road has had its fair share of ups and downs, but what keeps me going is having an environment where I feel valued, respected, and included. A culture that permits and supports personal growth and understands the link between that and positive outcomes for the company. Also, and just as important, PSGS is a place where I really enjoy the time I get to spend with those around me. My colleagues are funny, creative, caring, intelligent people, and helping them to benefit from that same mindset that has been lifting me up these last ten years is one of the greatest sources of reward in my job. I could go on, I could talk more about all the ways this company is different in such a positive and unique way, how we value family time, each others hobbies and interests etc., but I think you get the picture.

Hopefully you can understand why I have been committed to PSGS for over ten years now, and yes, I dare say I’ll be sticking around for another ten!


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